Performer:Irene Krakow Robert Buckley Faith Wright Grace Davis Johanna Newmarch
Director:Peter Benson
Synopsis: When Maddy got sick, Meg Thompson (Meg Tompkins) SHE SET ASIDE HER DYNAMIC REAL ESTATE BUSINESS IN BOSTON AND TOOK OVER HER MOTHER'S BOOKSHOP, MIMI BOOK POINT, IN NANTAKIT. MIMI DIED YEARS AGO, MEG HAD AN ABSENT SILENT COMPANION, AND HER AUNT RENEE WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP MEG FINANCIALLY. WHEN MEG LEARNED THAT AUNT RAINEY WANTED TO START A NEW PHASE OF HER LIFE AFTER RETIREMENT AND TO SELL HER RIGHTS AT THE STORE, SHE HAD TO DECIDE WHAT TO DO, AND MEG WAS NOT SURE THAT SHE COULD OR WOULD BEAR THE FINANCIAL BURDEN HERSELF, ESPECIALLY WHEN THE STORE FELL INTO HER ARMS RATHER THAN WHEN SHE HAD PURSUED IT. ONE OF MEG'S RECENT INITIATIVES IN THIS BOOKSHOP IS HER SO-CALLED “RELATIONSHIP WITH THE BOOK CLUB”, WHICH SHE HOPES WILL BE BETTER LOCALLY BY PROMOTING THE WORK OF AN UNKNOWN WRITER, WHO SELLS ONLY THE BOOKS SHE DESIGNS AND, IN THE CASE OF SHORT SLOGANS DESCRIBING THE BOOK, THE BUYERS HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE OF THE BOOK AND THEY WILL RETURN NEXT WEEK TO DISCUSS IT IN THE BOOK CLUB. NPR Radio anchor, Rena Brem (Raina Breem) Meg was interviewed about the book club, and Rena was mainly interested in real dating among club members. Although inadvertently, Meg did realize that clubs could bring people together in a romantic way to connect with books. One of the people interviewed was Graham Sterling Sterling, a bestseller for the youth series, is currently working on the eighth book in the series, which is the penultimate book in his current contract because he wants to write his great American novel. He had completed such a romantic history, and his publishers did not want to publish the manuscript because it did not fit his brand and they thought it was good, but not good. Graham therefore decided to publish the book himself in the name of Dylan Turner and hoped that Meg would plan the book for the book club in order to obtain a fair opinion from a true reader. In a meeting with Dylan, Meg finally learned about his true identity and decided to include it in a book club to help him, although she had the same view of the book as Dylan's publisher. In the process, the two began to turn to each other. What happened between them was influenced by the fate of the book in the club, which could inadvertently affect the store。—Hargo