Performer:Anna Tove Joshua Jackson John Nobel
Director:Aziva Gosman Seth Mann Brad Anderson Brian Spike Joe Speer PAUL A. EDWARDS John Casa Dennis Smith Paul Holahan Ginot Zivak Fred Toye Dylan Salafian Adam Davison Charles Bison David Stratton Thomas Yazko JEFFREY G.Hunt
Synopsis: According to several producers, the author group has now developed a complete "Schematics for the Second Season". At the end of the first season, many questions were left, the largest of which was: how many parallel worlds exist? Olivia's already been through one of them. Will she ever go through another? Infinite Here it comes《The edge of the crisis》got it? Obviously not. Jeff Pinkner categorically denied the existence of "Major Earth"、Earth 2、The concept of Earth 3。《The edge of the crisis》The storyspace is limited to "our world" and "the other world." In other words, there are only two worlds in the play, and no Peter from 1,000 different worlds will form the "Peters Army." Alex Kurtzman said that he had not anticipated the idea of a parallel world being introduced by the author group so early, which was entirely out of his mind. When someone asks, "Is there a copy of the play?"《X ARCHIVES》Robert Orci laughed when they made it《Double-faced spy》(Alias) People say they copy《Conspiracy》(Mission Impossible; when they make《Box 3》When they say they copy《Double-faced spy》it makes you laugh. they're the only ones who can say it. When someone asks about Olivia's connection to all kinds of marginal cases, Anna "I don't know, because they don't know either. "And why did Olivia move from being "suspect of will" to "suspect of herself everywhere," Anna Torv said that that was because Olivia's dream of killing herself gave rise to fear. Joshua Jackson, for his part, described the second quarter as partly revealing Peter's past. The main character of the first season is Peter and Walter, and the second is similar. Someone immediately asked a question that made the audience scream: does Peter and Olivia have love? Will that cause trouble for their investigation? John Noble immediately picked up the phone for Joshua Jackson down. He said that Peter would discuss the issue with Walter in the second quarter and Walter would persuade Peter to relax, which would have no effect. John Norble also shared his views on Walter. He said that he did not think the role was "unique," but he was not sure where the bottom line was. Some of Walter's behavior was "natural" and he didn't even know he had a sense of humor. Jasika Nicole talked about her role staying with Walter all day long because she liked him. And she's been very helpful to Walter's research as a "know-how." About the new season, Roberto Orci said a lot of crap, Alex Kurtzman, on the other hand, simply said, "War is coming." The audience asked why William.. Bell's office is in the Twins of the World Trade House? The two producers replied, "What is more convincing than the WTO Gemini this year to convince people of the existence of a "parallel world"? In addition to this, there is a strong metaphor for the WTO Gemini in a parallel world: They represent a different "two sides" of a person. Because of the sensitive nature of the World Trade Organization Geminis, the production company and the theatre had repeatedly negotiated multiple rounds of finalization. The audience asked if we knew Peter was from another world and would Walter from that world try to get him back? "That Walter" is what Walter saw in the asylum? "Yes.", No, Maybe.」 The audience asked if people in the parallel world would appear? Anna Torv joked that Olivia and Olivia in the parallel world were in e-mail and telephone contact and were eager to meet. Roberto Orci, in a very serious tone, says, "That's quite possible," and it's not possible to judge whether he is joking or serious. The audience asked, William Bell(Leonard Will the second season be a regular role? Jeff Pinkner answers, Leonard Nimoy can show up as many times as he wants. We may see him again, may not happen immediately, but his presence will affect all follow-up stories. Questioned, at the end of the first season, William According to a newspaper in Bell's office, Obama moved into the New White House. Does that mean that the World Trade House in the parallel world was preserved and the White House destroyed? The answer is..……that's right. "that's the relationship between yin and yang." The audience asked where you were inspired. Roberto “The newspaper, the news, the scientific version (or science-related part). The producers also confirmed that they would gradually "go away" and call it The Pattern's stuff. You may have noticed, in the second half of the first season The term Pattern is rarely mentioned. The play will be moving in the direction of the role-driven, not too much on The "What is Patterson?" What should Patterson do?" the group has moved to vancouver, canada, as a whole, and will not return to new york. The second season will be broadcast on 17 September, and the fixed slot has been changed from the original Tuesday to Thursday。