Performer:Casey Bates Sarah Paulson Cooper Guttin Jr Lily Labbe Andrei Holland Angela Besette Adina Potter Shane Jackson Evan Peters Dennis O'Hara Wes Bentley Les Pedroso Tessa Famiga Lady Gaga
Director:Bradley Bicker Angela Besette Nelson Kragle Marita Gramiac Gwenise Holder-Peton Elody Keane Jennifer Lynch Alexis Osterland Michael Goe
Synopsis: this season is presented as a documentary in the context of the american folklore of the loyanok incident. Shelby Miller, 2015、Her husband Matt Miller and Matt's sister, Adina It's a big hot documentary《My Loyanok nightmare》A narrative photograph was taken as an experienced person. In front of the camera, they're telling the story of the ruins in the farmhouse that lived in North Carolina a year ago, including the ghost of the house、A pig with a knife、The cannibal neighbour、The British colonizers who performed the “human sacrifice” and so on. The re-emergence of the documentary, by British actor Audrey Thinder、Dominica (Cuba, Jr.)、Monay Tumussim、Agnes、audrey's husband rory. The documentary was a great success. The following year, the producer Sidney came after him and launched the sequel《Back to Lojanok: Three days in hell》I don't know. This is a reality show. He invited the documentary star and story master to return to their old farmhouse and begin a three-day “hell-style” experience. However, in the course of the shooting, strange events continued. In just three days, none of the crew members were spared. Only those who have experienced it personally know, "LoyaNOK," not just legends……