Performer:Sylvester Stallone Wesley Snapes Sandra Block Nigel Hawthorn Benjamin Blart Bob Gunton Glenn Shadicks Dennis Leary GRAND L. BUSH Pat Skipper Steve Kahan Paul Bollen Mark Colson Andrei Gregory John Enos III
Director:Marco Brambella
Synopsis: John The End of Sin, Los Angeles Sylvester Stallone For arresting the vicious phoenix of Wesley Snapps Wesley Snipes more than 30 people were killed and sentenced to decades of freezing, while the phoenix was sentenced to indefinite freezing. decades later, john was released and returned. at a time when the way of life of the human being was very different from that of the year, the authorities had arranged for a female police officer to help john to adapt him to the new society as soon as possible. john's brain was implanted with memory chips with tailor skills, and it was clear that the authorities wanted him to be a tailor. However, the phoenix was wrongly awakened from the freeze and escaped from prison. Worse still, he had a memory chip implanted into his brain. In the future, humans no longer use guns、Rockets and other savage weapons. When the phoenix found all the equipment in the weapons museum, it began to destroy……