Performer:Joe Estewitz Dan Hagtti Thomas Downey
Director:Gary Jones
Synopsis: The bright day of Minnesota, Coach Hawke Thomas Downey ♪ I'm going to show you ♪ Williams Decorated)、K (CHRISTINA KAUF) Kristina Kopf Decorated)、Jesse Kove Decorated)、Victoria Ramos five young people, such as retina, arrived at the camp in the middle of the mountains, where they began training new recruits. the young men were of a high moral character, each of which, despite their extreme resistance to such compulsory military service, was beyond control. the shadowy natural jungle, the climate of terror spread quietly, hidden in the legendary axe giant paul banyan. At the beginning of the march, the recruits appeared to have broken into the Titan's territory, disturbed his peace, opened the door to relentless killings, and could they eventually escape