Performer:Daniel McPherson Warren Brown Rosie Maggie Arlin Sumawata Nina Sosana Don Heinie Catherine Kelly Trevor Eve Phil Dunster Yousef Kerkol Selva Rasalingen Zaqi Ismail Benjamin O'Mahoni Jacob Guy Rusling David Buck Jones Chris Johnson
Director:Michael Basset Brandon Maher Derbus Patterson Bill Agos
Synopsis: Cinemax and Sky1 announced last year that they were going to restart the great drama《Fight back Strike Back》But this time it's gonna be new, Alin Sumarwata﹑Daniel MacPherson﹑Roxanne McKee and Warren Brown was joined last year in the sixth season of the tenth episode. According to Deadline, the sixth season will be transformed from the original brood style《Speed and passion The Fast and the Furious》A series of diverse models. And before that, the story was focused on Al-Qaida, the new season was focused on ISIS; the second to fifth season featured Sullivan Stapleton and Philip Winchester hasn't returned yet《Fight back》the plan, but they mean they want to return. New season by Jack Lothian wrote and worked as a producer, Andy Harris and Sharon Hughff as executive producer, Michael J. Bassett directed; branch 20, which had been denied and dissolved during the sixth quarter, was reactivated because of the escape of a notorious terrorist. This branch, with secret military intelligence, will continue to deal with high-risk missions, where the resuscitation force carries out deadly pursuits and discovers a widespread and interrelated criminal activity; it will travel through the Middle East, Europe, knowing that a deadly conspiracy will threaten them and change the face of modern warfare. Alin Sumarwata plays Gracie Novin, smart, honest and honest, she's the soul of the team; Daniel MacPherson plays Samuel Wyatt, the bar philosopher, he's a solo wolf, and he doesn't have plans with anyone else. Roxanne McKee plays Natalie from the military family Reynolds, she's good at psychological profiling and looking for competitor weaknesses, but she may not know her mistakes; Warren "Daniel of Brown." Macallister, who was faithful, friendly and strong, fought in retaliation for his lost teammates. Nina Sosanya plays Adeena Donovan﹑Katherine Kelly plays Jane Lowry﹑Trevor Eve plays Morgan Ives。