Performer:Luis Tosar Alvito Oman Antonio Recines Manuel Mourón Carlos Baden Marta Etula Luis Zahra Manolo Solo Patsy Baskult Jocein Benguety Fernando Soto Vincent Romero Anartz Zuazua Miguel Martín Felix Kubero
Director:Daniel Monzon
Synopsis: The new guard, Alberto Ammann In order to demonstrate a good career, one day of imprisonment for work. And on that day, the head of the prisoner, Malamadre, hit the guard, led the prisoner to riot, and the prison was in chaos……Juan was abandoned by his companions in cell 211 because of his injuries, and in order to avoid being held hostage, he had to disguise the criminals, gain the confidence of the bad mother and try to find a way out. The three “Eta” terrorists in prison who have served more than 100 years have been held hostage to the official offer of terms of negotiation, and the situation has been deadlocked because of the pre-negotiation between the Government and Eta and the failure of the prison authorities and the Special Operations Group to carry out their offensive. On the other hand, the prison riots caused a chain reaction when family members came to the prison for information, but were severely beaten by prison guards, and Juan's pregnant wife was unfortunately injured, which led to a crazy move by Juan who wanted to secure his release and help calm the prison…… This film sweeps the best movie of the 2009 Gaia Prize in Spain、Director、The lead man and eight major awards。