Performer:Thierry Lemmett Rafael Persona Niels Ahrstup Bruno Raffaelli Julie Gaye Anais de Mustier Thomas Chaplore Thierry Fremont Alix Poisson Mary Bounell Jean-Marc Rulu Sonja Roland Didier Bezzas Jane Bucking Renaud Calvet François Pero Josephine de la Bomy Jean
Director:Bertrand Tavine
Synopsis: Alexander Dayar de Woms is a very handsome, very popular woman、A charming man with whom he is also the Minister for Foreign Affairs of France, the country of the Enlightenment. He's got a thick, silver hair、An athlete、From the United Nations podium in New York to the Ubanga region, where the war in Central Africa is on the rise, he is everywhere. In these places, he blames the authorities、I beg the great men to bring peace、To calm the nerves of the militants is proof of the halo of the Nobel Peace Prize. Alexander Dayal de Voms has a strong and ready mind to fight and abides by the Holy Trinity of diplomacy: legality、Smart and efficient. He and neoconservative Americans、The Russians are corrupt and the Chinese are greedy. Although the world does not deserve the greatness of the French spirit, the French spiritual arts feel confined to their own country. Arthur Flamanc, a young graduate of the French National School of Administration, was appointed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the “statement” of the Minister for Foreign Affairs. That is, he's writing for the Foreign Minister's speech! But does he have to learn to write carefully and to handle his relationship with the staff around the Minister, to find his place between the Chief of Staff and the advisers you've been passing through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and here, the pressure、There's always ambition and dirty tricks......he is here to see the fate of the world, yet he is also threatened by the bureaucratic inertia of senior expert officials. [by ].French] Quai d'Orsay, this is a time-net translation《Osei Station》It's actually a road name along the Sena River in Paris, which is translated directly into Chinese: the bank of the Osei River. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs is located on this road and thus frequently refers to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs。