Performer:Ricardo Scamacho Alacio Boni Claudia Jerini Barbara Langge Katsiaryna Shulha Silvia D'Amico Eduardo Pesche Sarah Philbertbaum
Director:Andrea Zaccariello
Synopsis: Frans Riccardo Scamarcio It's a respected deputy, and in a few years' time he'll be in the sheriff's chair. Late in the day, because of some old history, Frans decided to go meet his old friend——Judge Gio (Alesio Boni) Alessio Boni decoration. the meeting was not pleasant. The following day, a shocking news came from Frans, where the body of Gio was found and his death was caused by a gunshot to the head. In Gio's room, only Frans' fingerprints were found, not only that, but Frans should be the last one he saw before he died. All the leads pointed at Frans, accusing him of being the murderous murderer, and only Frans himself understood that he was innocent。