Performer:Ryan Phillips James Duval Nathan Beckston Rachel Chu
Director:Greg Wildwood
Performer:Steven Moyer Catherine Hegel Thomas Kleschumann Edward Fox Udo Kiir Joanna Ramley Ron Plman Vovic Davis Gavan Ohlich Ben Pullen Walter Gothal Anthony Hickox Zack Galigan Hamish Campbell-Robertson Marcus Shinkenberg Chesney Hawkes Peri Callimanopulos Guy F
Director:Anthony Hickox
Performer:Michael Dudikov Randy Travis Valerie Wildman
Director:Fred Oren Ray
Performer:Glen Cross Francis McDomund Kate Blanchet Paulina Collins
Director:Bruce Belsford
Performer:Michael G. White John Regizamo Martin Sin Teresa Randall Nicole Williamson D.B. SWEENEY Melinda Clark Mick Hughes Michael Papa John Frank Wilker John Cosron Jr Sini Bodian Robbie Lamott Mark Robinson
Director:MARCO A. Z. DIPP
Performer:Bill Plman Patricia Aquitt Bassasa Getty Robert Laagia Robert Black Gary Buser Lucy Butler Michael Shams Wells Richard Pryer Natasha Gregson Wagner John Ruslings Luis Apolito Jack Corlell Scott Kofi Al Garrett Giovani Repisi Michael Max Henry Rawlings Ivo
Director:David Lynch
Performer:Mohammad Amir Najib Farah Amil Hashimian Baraly Sidditch Nafis Jaffa-Mohammedi Ferresht Sarabandi Dariush Mokhtari Christopher Maliki
Director:Makid Makidi
Performer:Sophie Matheson Stephen Dylan Kevin Anderson Joss Jacques Lander
Director:William Nicholson
Performer:Jamie Plesley Jaime Pressly Megan Edwards Michael de Barres Greg Vaughn Susan Terrill Tenaya Erich Trishalee Hardy Sabrinah Christie Meredith Van Camp Gregory Vignolle Athena Messai Sana Mokler Terence Paul Winter Susan Ward Michael McRafati
Director:Kurt Voss
Performer:Herma Yong Ursadi Abdurrahman Bahry Afhin Khoroshed Bakhtiari Shaq Ali Moradi Mr. Mir Hawson Nouri
Director:Abbas Kyarostami
Performer:Maria Mathiesen Strand Skasgard Swell Ank Osta Gisken Armand Christian Figensco
Director:Eric Skorbyorg
Performer:Cliff Owen Rotel Brutt Paul Bertany Ian McLean Mick Jagger Nicolas Costa-Waldow Jude Law Rachel Weeds
Director:Sean Matias
Performer:Stephen Frey Jude Law Vanessa Redgrave Jennifer Allie Jemma Jones Judy Parrefort Mike Sin Zoe Waramek Tom Wilkinson Ian Grafade Peter Buckworth Robert Lang Philip Locke David Westside Mark Lacelon Michael Fitzgerald Orlando Bloom Adam Garcia Joseph May Ja
Director:Brian Gilbert
Performer:Simon Gregg Jordan Kizko Patrick Borgin James Burram
Director:Soren Krag Jacobsen
Performer:Sigourney Weaver Winona Ryder Dominique Pinon Ron Perlman Gary Dourdan Michael Victor Kim Flowers Dan Hadaya J.E. Freeman Brad Dourif Raymond Cruise Leland Orser
Director:Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Performer:Carol Bugay Jim Ross Stewart Judith Godresh
Director:Jean-Daniel Verhaeghe
Performer:Kevin Kline Joan Allen Sigourney Weaver Henry Czerny Tobey Maguire Christina Ricci Elijah Wood Adam Hanbyrd David ·Krumholz Jamie Sheridan Kate Burton William Caine Michael Kunpusti Maya Danziger Katie Holmes Allison Janney
Director:Ang Lee
Performer:Eduardo Noriega Penelope Cruz Feyre Martinez Nava Nimli Chet Leyla
Director:Alejandro Amenavar
Performer:Judi Dench Billy Connolly Jeffrey Palmer Anthony Sher Gerard Butler Richard Pascoe David Westerhead
Director:John Madden
Performer:emma thompson phyllida law gary hollywood sheila reid
Director:Alan Rickman
Performer:Daniel Auteuil Fabrice Luchini Vincent Pérez Marie Gillan Yana Collette Jean-Francois Steffenant Didier ·Pan
Director:Philippe de Broca
Performer:Javier Bardem Francesca Nelli Liberto Labar Angela Molina José Sancho Penelope Cruz Pilar Bardem Alex Anqueluo Mariola Fuentes Matias Platz
Director:Pedro Almodóvar
Performer:Keanu Reeves Al Pacino Charlize Theron Jeffrey Jones Judith Ivey Connie Nielsen Greg T. Nelson Tamara Tunney Ruth Santiago Hudson Debra Mock Vito Luginis Harrington Pamela Gray George Vinnell Chris Ball
Director:Taylor Hackford
Performer:Affleck Joey Lauren Adams Ethan Suplee Jason Lee Scott Mosier Casey Affleck
Director:Kevin Smith
Performer:tim abell jeff rector lisa mazzetti
Director:fred olen ray fred olen ray
Performer:David Duchovny Angelina Jolie Timothy Hutton
Director:Andy Wilson
Performer:Ewan McGregor Patricia Arquette Josh Brolin Lauren Graham Nick Nolte Brad Dourif
Director:Ole Bonedale
Performer:leo miok leo miok russ tamblyn bryan mendez
Director:john putch
Performer:Sylvester Stallone Harvey Keitel Ray Liotta Robert De Niro Peter Berg
Director:James Mangold
Performer:Michelle Pfeiffer Jessica Lange Jason Robards Jennifer Jason Leigh Colin Firth Keith Kae Kevin Anderson Pat Hengge Earl John Carroll Lynch Anne Pitoniak Vito Luginis Michelle Williams Elisabeth Moss Ray Toler Kenneth Teagar
Director:jocelyn moorhouse
Performer:James Coe Nick Nolte Jim True-Foster Tim Post Marianne Seldes
Director:Paul Schrader
Performer:Neve Campbell Jamie Kennedy Courteney Cox Liev Schreiber Jada Pinkett Smith Heather Graham Sarah Michelle Gellar Lou G. Wilson
Director:Wes Craven
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