Performer:Charlotte Gainsbourg Guido Leon-Richter Abita Megan Northam Tibur Vanzon Emmanuelle Béard Laurent Poiteno Didier Sandel Lilith Glassmoog Calikte Brokhin-Doutaz Ophelia Kolb
Director:Michael Ace
Synopsis:Paris, 1981. On election night, the winds of change blow, and people take to the streets with joy. But Elisabeth (Charlotte Gainsbourg) struggles to share the general optimism. Her marriage is ending and she now has to support her family. She was distraught, and she and her teenage children worried about her tears. But what if listening to her emotions could help her start filling in the gaps in her future? What if she suddenly gets the idea to write a letter to her favorite radio host? Or inviting a homeless girl to her home? What would happen if she made a truly life-changing gesture? In this sequel to Amanda, mikhaël Hers casts his keen eye on the 1980s and the seemingly mundane moments in one family's life that shaped indelible memories . A host of characters populate this self-created nostalgic saga. The director pays homage to their vulnerability and kindness in a way that stands out in a scene that's often dominated by disillusioned antiheroes. It's one of the most intimate and captivating films that makes us understand why love matters as we reflect on how we function as a society.