Performer:Regina Adevento Maro Araudo Lute Amarante Jorge Puerta Pina Bausch Rainer Bell Andrei Berezin Damiano Ottavio Bigi Bay Nedict Biehl Ales Kucek Clementine Deruy Josephine Ann Endicott Lutz Furst Pablo Alain · Jimeno Mechthild Grossmann
Director:Wim Wenders
Synopsis:When the famous German director Wim Wenders watched Pina Bsch perform in "Café Müller" for the first time, he was deeply attracted by this "First Lady of German Modern Dance" attracted. He and Pina quickly became close friends and the idea for a collaboration was born. After much consideration, Wenders decided to use 3D technology to show Pina's full and creative modern dance art, trying to open a new and unique journey of visual discovery for the audience. However, Pina Bausch died of lung cancer shortly after the filming plan was announced in 2009, and the entire filming plan was shelved. It was only after discussions with Pina, who was the director of Dance Theater Wuppertal during her lifetime, that Wenders decided to restart filming. The film includes Pina's several dance works "Café Müller", "The Rite of Spring" and "Full Moon" throughout the memories of her students and friends. It perfectly interpreted Pina's unique and wonderful dance aesthetics and left the most beautiful hymn to Pina.