Performer:Vladimir Brodsky Stella Chanakova Stanislav Sinduka Ondrej Witsch Petra Sberkova Iri Labus Zita Kabatov Katena Pindejová Lubomir Kostelka Jaj Johanides Zuzana Fialova Simona Stasova Magdalena Sidonová Vlastimil Zrel Martin Sita Kstýna Vylet
Director:Vladimir Mitchell
Synopsis:As the saying goes, "Don't be calm and frivolous." Frantisk Hanna (played by vlastimil bdský) becomes more energetic as he gets older. He ignores his wife Emily (played by Stella Zázvorková) who has worked hard to save money for the coffin. He worked hard and was too lazy to deal with the bad marriage of his useless son. Fran doesn't want to face his impending death and just wants to enjoy his last moments. He and his theater friend Ed (stanisl Zindulka) pretended to be people of various identities and had a lot of fun, but they also got into a lot of trouble. The dying life is full of light because of a youthful and naughty heart... The film won the 2002 Cleveland International Festival Best Film Award; the 2002 Czech Golden Lion Award for Best Actress (stella zázvorková), Best Drama Award and Best Supporting Actor Award (stanisl zindulka); 2002 Czech Pierre Mori Festival Golden Kingfisher Award for Best Film.