Performer:Михаил Скрябин Юрий Матвеев Александр Мосин
Director:Alexei Barabanov
Synopsis: After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the “crazy 1990s”, an industrial city in northern Russia. The master, Ivan, is a Yakut (minority), because the shameful war against Afghanistan more than 20 years ago left a concussion and is now a worker in a boiler room. A local gangster, a former comrade of Ivan's, often used the boiler room to destroy bodies, “It's okay, they're all bad people”, he soothed Ivan. But it was not until one day that Ivan began to wake up when Skyyabin ' s daughter was sent to the boiler for stealing her boyfriend. The war is not over. The film is an extremely brutal work of violent realism, which is a continuation of Alexei Barabanov's always bold black style. He's the director《Brother》、《Malformed zero and pornography》It's hard for the mainstream media to accept it Mikhalkov(《To poison the sun》He's been attacked《Brother》Its masters are “smuggling with destructive desire” and “venging the minds of young people”. However, in the "White Elephant" award given by Russian filmmakers in late 2010, the Russian filmmaker was able to express his views on the issue《A fireman》I picked the best video、The best director in the four grand prizes became the biggest winner。